Weightlessness - Workshop with Almog Loven (1)
Fr., 12. Mai

Zeit & Ort
12. Mai 2023, 16:00
Wien, Herklotzgasse 21, 1150 Wien, Österreich
What happens in W E I G H T L E S S N E S S ?
W E I G H T L E S S N E S S with Almog Loven takes place throughout three days. It is open to people from all walks of life who are lovers of movement (teachers, yogis, dancers, martial artists, mindfulness practitioners, athletes, therapists and movers of any sort). Dance experience is not required.
This workshop is a practice of finding ease in the unknown. The content takes shape upon encounter with you. When we meet, it will be a new experience. I do my best to hold a needed space of no comparison. Where there is no one to impress, and there is nothing to hide. There. We start.
About Almog
Almog Loven is a professional dancer, teacher and therapist from Israel. He holds a degree in psychology and humanities from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he researched the impact of psychological flexibility on chronic pain. He is also a senior practitioner of The Ilan Lev Method, treating and guiding therapists around the world. Everything that Almog shares aims to foster conditions for unapologetic honesty and natural growth in our daily lives.
Shared by those who tried....
"Even with the little or no experience in dance you will see, the real work of Weightlessness is in its simplicity and its beauty in its accessibility. Almog cuts deep with insight and creates a space that is conducive to growth. Without judgement, he lets that growth be what you want it to be." (Nelson Solis, Miami, USA)
12.May 16:00 - 19:00 Brick-15
13.May 12:00-19:00 Auer-Welsbach Park, Treffpunkt/ meeting point U-Bahn-Station/metro station SCHÖNBRUNN / Winckelmannstraße 4, 1150 Wien
14.May 12:00 - 19:00 Brick-15
Bei Fragen / For questions
Details und Tickets / Details and tickets